Open Positions

We are always interested in excellent PhD candidates.
Also see PhD position 2022

At the moment we are looking for postdocs. The position is for 2 years (with an optional 1-year extension). The position will remain open until a good candidate is found. The position is on an industrial sponsored project with 2 postdocs and four PhD students. The subjects include lifelong learning (continual learning), generative models, network compression, multi-model data representation learning.

CANDIDATE ’S PROFILE: The candidate should possess a PhD in computer vision or machine learning, and have a strong publication record. We are looking for candidates who have publications in the top conferences CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, NIPS, ICML, or ICLR. The candidate should have a background in machine learning and deep learning. The applicants are expected to be fluent in both oral and written communication in English. They should work well in a team while demonstrating initiative and independence. The candidate is expected to supervise PhD students.

Please contact us for more information.

There is a number of competitive postdoc calls in which we are happy to participate:

  1. January: call for two year postdoc positions of Juan de la Cierva
  2. January: call for five year researcher position Ramon y Cajal
  3. January: call for two year researcher position
    Beatriu de Pinos
  4. August: call for two year postdoc Marie Curie Individual Fellowships. These are two year postdoc positions.
  5. September: Outgoing + return for researchers of any nationality, willing to join a research or technology centre or R&D department of a private company located outside Spain for one year. This scheme includes a return phase of one more year to a Catalan company or a TECNIO entity.The CVC is a TECNIO entity. Check your illegibility here.

Please contact us if you are interested in applying with our lab.

Excellent postdoc candidates with a background in deep learning and publications at top conferences like CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICLR, NIPS and ICML can always apply.