Fisher Vectors over Random Density Forests for Object Recognition

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Claudio BaecchiFrancesco TurchiniLorenzo SeidenariAndrew D. BagdanovAlberto Del Bimbo

In this paper we describe a Fisher vector encoding of images over Random Density Forests. Random Density Forests (RDFs) are an unsupervised variation of Random Decision Forests for density estimation. In this work we train RDFs by splitting at each node in order to minimize the Gaussian differential entropy of each split. We use this as generative model of image patch features and derive the Fisher vector representation using the RDF as the underlying model. Our approach is computationally efficient, reducing the amount of Gaussian derivatives to compute, and allows more flexibility in the feature density modelling. We evaluate our approach on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset showing that our approach, that only uses linear classifiers, improves over bag of visual words and is comparable to the traditional Fisher vector encoding over Gaussian Mixture Models for density estimation.